This web site is one means of communicating. But certainly, this is not the only means...
Weekly, we distribute a church bulletin at our Sunday morning worship service. In addition to providing details about the order of service, the bulletin also includes information about up-coming activities and prayer needs.
A "Fairlawn News" email distribution list is maintained by our secretary for sending out various news items. Please notify if you would like to request changes to our distribution list.
Every couple months, we distribute a "Fairlines" newsletter through email, with hardcopies also available in the Fellowship Hall. These newsletters are archived in the Members section of this website.
We maintain a Facebook page and regularly post announcements about upcoming events. Weekly, we post a brief note about the recent sermon, including a link to the sermon audio.
Much of the information found in the weekly church bulletin is also posted in the announcements database or the calendar of events on this web site. Occasionally, we post a "Fairlawn Alert" on this web site -- which creates a pop-up message when you first access the site. For example, this alert system is used if we cancel services due to weather.