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  • Faith Informing Lecture Series

    FAITH (IN)FORMING LECTURE SERIES: Pleasant Street CRC will host Dr. Rick Zomer, Faith Formation Consultant for the Christian Reformed Church in North America, on Friday, January 24 at 6:30 p.m. for “Our Emerging Adults: Connecting with our Teens & Twentysomethings.” 

    This is a free seminar exploring what it is like to be an emerging adult today - what’s different, what's the same, and how we can come home to one another. For any questions, please contact the Pleasant Street CRC’s office at (508) 234-5268.

  • January Series

    The Calvin University January Series begins Monday, January 20, 2025 and continues weekdays through January 31.  Each lecture will be available "Live Streamed" at remote sites. Each of the lectures will be shown via a “live feed” from Calvin University from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Activities Room at Fairlawn CRC.

    Fairlawn is one of 36 remote webcast sites across the continent. For more information about the speakers and topics, visit the January Series website at

  • Sermon Videos

    Both audio and video recordings of our Sunday Morning Worship sermons are available on our Sermon Archive page., where we also have a copy of the liturgy for the service.

  • Prayer Services

    Prayer services are normally held Sunday evenings at 5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. These gatherings are a good time for building community as we sing hymns, read scriptures, and pray.  We seek God's glory and leading, pray about personal matters, and ask God to bring about growth in our congregation and our surrounding community.

  • Fairlawn Calendar

    Our online church calendar lists activities planned for the up-coming months.

  • Cancellation Announcements

    Cancellations of Sunday Services are announced on this web site and on TV: Watch WBZ (CBS), WCVB (ABC), or click on WBZ's religious closings site.