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Go to the Fairlawn CRC YouTube channel for live streaming of the Sunday Morning Worship services and a video archive of previous sermons.

Worship involves bringing Glory to God in a variety of ways... 

Sunday morning worship services provide an opportunity for corporate worship.  Along with the preaching of the word, music is a significant part of our worship experience during these services.

Giving a financial donation to the work of the church is another means of worship, and the collection of offerings is a regular part of our Sunday morning worship service.  Some find it more convenient to give donations online, and so we have this available. 

As we read in the Bible, we are called to offer ourselves "as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1 (NIV)  As members at Fairlawn CRC, we also worship God through our involvement in the work of His church -- providing leadership and help in various ministries.

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