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Faith formation programs work with parents to nourish a child's spiritual life by building on the life of faith in the home with ongoing and systematic learning opportunities.  We welcome all families, whether members of Fairlawn or not, to participate in our congregation's youth programs.  If this is your first time, you are welcome to contact our church office (508-234-2838) for the latest details about participation and schedules.  



Church School Classes



Classes for children and youth meet on Sunday mornings during the school year for grades K-12, and offer systematic Bible teaching and catechetical instruction.  We currently have two classes (K-5 and 6-12), which begin at 9:00am.



Children's Church and Nursery



A nursery is available for young children that need to be taken care of during the worship service.



A time of Bible lessons and activities is provided for children aged 3 through Pre-K during the morning sermon.

Quiet Room



Our "quiet room" is a quiet space available during the worship service for families whose children have sensory issues, or some other concern, but are too old for our nursery programs (newborn through Pre-K).  There's a TV to be able to watch the service, and some materials to occupy kids or help them engage the sermon.



Child Care during Coffee Break


During our Coffee Break women's Bible study program on Thursday mornings, refreshments are provided, and child care is available for infants through pre-school age children



Fairlawn Youth activities

Though our numbers are small, we periodically organize events for our junior high and high school students to enjoy fellowship, activities, and spiritual growth. Watch the calendar or check with the office for specific details.



Youth Ministry Partnership

Fairlawn partners with Pleasant Street CRC to offer programs which minister specifically to children and older students.

The following meet every other Wednesday night from 6:15 – 8:00 p.m., at Pleasant Street CRC.

  • Cadets: club ministry for boys in Grades 1-6 
  • G.E.M.S.: club ministry for girls in Grades 1-5 
  • Middle School Youth Group (all 6th-8th Grade Students) 

The High School Youth Group (all 9th-12th Grade Students) meets at Pleasant Street CRC on the 1st and 3rd Sundays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for small group studies, with special events on the 5th Sunday. 

Fairlawn volunteers assist in many of these programs, and Fairlawn youth participate in these activities. For more information on specific programs, please contact Pleasant Street CRC’s office.

Whitinsville Christian School

Whitinsville Christian School (WCS) is a pre-K through Grade 12 school begun by the Whitinsville Christian Reformed Church in 1928 for the purpose of complementing the efforts of church and family in the Christian education of our covenant children. Fairlawn continues to actively support the mission of WCS through the giving of time and resources. In addition to the many Fairlawn families whose children are enrolled at WCS, many of our members also serve on the school's faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees. Fairlawn also offers families financial support through a tuition assistance program.

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