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Go to the Fairlawn CRC YouTube channel for live streaming of the Sunday Morning Worship services and a video archive of previous sermons.

At Fairlawn CRC, we use a “liturgical style” of worship, which means that our worship follows a recognizable pattern from week to week. These structures help us understand the basic elements of the Christian story and provide a consistent format for both children and adults to learn about and to celebrate God’s relationship with us. Within this structure, we use a variety of different readings and songs to honor and glorify the triune God. Each week’s liturgy can be found in our Sermon Archive.

Our Sunday morning worship services are normally between 60 and 75 minutes. Nursery services are available for children younger than 3 years old, and a children’s worship time is held during part of the service for age 3-Pre-K. Older children are encouraged to worship with their families, so that those of all ages and stages of life can deepen their understanding of God’s love for them. For audio assistance or large print worship resources, please talk to a greeter or usher as you enter.

The Bible is God’s written guide for our lives, so we take time to read it together in each service and reflect on it in a sermon. The Bible explains to us God’s plan for our relationship with Him (II Peter 1:16-21). It tells us who God is, who we are, God’s gracious work of salvation in us through faith in Jesus Christ, and how we are to live in response to His work in us. This means that worship is an educational activity that gives us information about the Christian faith, and also a call to a changed life as we “hear and do the Word".

Worship Service Times

From after Labor Day until before Memorial Day, we normally have Church School classes from 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM, followed by our Sunday morning worship service starting at 10:15 AM. 

During the school year, we usually gather in the evening twice a month for a time of corporate prayer in the Activities Room.  Watch the calendar for specific dates and times.

During the summer weeks, the Church School classes are not held, and we start the Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 AM. 

Our announcements page or the calendar page will provide the latest schedule information, especially as may be affected by holidays and special events during the year.

Children during Worship Services

We encourage children to attend our morning worship services with their families.  Just before the morning sermon, the youngest children then leave the service for a time of Bible stories and singing.

On those days when we serve communion, children of believers in Christ who have been baptized are also invited to share in this table.  This is an opportunity for parents to instruct their children regarding this sacrament and to include them in this special time of worship.

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